Having frequent headaches while reading books? Feel dizzy looking at words while reading for a few minutes? You might need reading glasses. But to be sure, check and see what an optometrist from Eyes on Norbeck checks before giving you the specifics of your new reading glasses.

Experiencing Blurred Vision Close-Up
One of the most telling signs that you may need reading glasses occurs when you start having trouble seeing things up close. This condition, known as presbyopia, typically starts around middle age. You might notice that texts on your smartphone, computer screen or your favorite book appear blurry, and you find it challenging to focus on them as you once could.
Frequent Eyestrain and Headaches
If after reading or doing close work, you often experience headaches or find your eyes feeling tired and strained, it’s a strong indication that your eyes are working harder than they should. If rest doesn’t give your eyes enough relief from eye strain, you may need reading glasses or any other prescription from your computer vision expert.
Need for More Light
Presbyopia is the loss of the eye’s elasticity, which leads to semi-permanent to permanent farsightedness. As presbyopia progresses, you might find yourself needing brighter light to read or do tasks up close. The need to turn on additional lights or preferring to sit in brighter areas when reading could signal that your eyes can’t focus as well in dim light.
Holding Reading Material Farther Away
Do you catch yourself holding books, menus or your phone further away to read the text clearly? This habit of adjusting the distance of reading materials is a classic sign of progressive presbyopia. Pay attention if you’re stretching your arms to their limit just to see the words more clearly.
Addressing Your Vision Needs
Fortunately, there are several ways to manage your farsightedness and presbyopia symptoms before they worsen:
- Comprehensive Eye Exam: If you’re experiencing any of these signs, the first step is to schedule a comprehensive eye exam at Eyes On Norbeck in Rockville, MD. An eye exam not only determines your need for reading glasses but also checks for other potential eye health issues.
- Personalized Solutions: Based on the results of your eye exam, we can recommend the best solution for your needs. This might include reading glasses, bifocals, or multifocal contact lenses, depending on your lifestyle and preferences. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, and what works best for you might differ from others.
- Embrace the Change with Style: Needing reading glasses is a common aspect of aging, but it’s also an opportunity to enhance your style with a new pair of frames. At Eyes On Norbeck, we offer a wide selection of stylish eyeglasses in Rockwell, MD, that not only improve your vision but also accentuate your personal style.
Concerned about your eyesight? Allow our experienced eye doctors at Eyes on Norbeck to help you figure out the condition of your eyes and the next steps you should take. Call us at (301) 238-7199 or fill out this contact form to reach us.