Orthokeratology or ortho-k involves wearing a special type of rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses overnight that temporarily reshape the cornea. As you sleep, the lenses slowly change the shape of the eye’s surface. When you wake in the morning and remove them, you should be able to see well without eyeglasses or contacts.

Read on to learn more about orthokeratology.
How Does Ortho-K Work?
Your optometrist might recommend ortho-k if you have myopia or nearsightedness. Prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses can also correct this refractive error. However, ortho-k eliminates the need to wear corrective lenses during the day.
Myopia occurs when the cornea’s focusing power is too strong. Ortho-k lenses gently and slightly flatten the cornea to reduce its focusing power. These RGP lenses are worn during sleep. While sturdy, they let oxygen through so your eyes remain healthy and nourished.
How Long Does Its Effects Last?
The results of ortho-k can last for up to two days. Your eyes will gradually return to their original shape once you stop wearing the ortho-k lenses. To maintain sharp vision, you must wear the lenses regularly.
Keep in mind that it can take up to at least two weeks for ortho-k lenses to significantly improve your vision. Studies have shown that most wearers achieve 20/40 vision or better. You may need to visit your eye doctor a few times to get temporary ortho-k lenses until you get your desired prescription.
Who Are Good Candidates?
Both children and adults with myopia will benefit from ortho-k. It’s suitable for kids between seven to 18 and people with active lifestyles. Individuals with dry eye syndrome are also great candidates for this vision correction option. However, ortho-k isn’t suitable for people with keratoconus, glaucoma, cataracts, large pupils and eye infections.
Whether you need a computer vision exam or new prescription eyewear, Eyes on Norbeck is here to help. Call us at (301) 238-7199 or complete our online form to schedule an appointment. We assist patients in Rockville, MD, and nearby communities.