Laser eye surgery treats different vision refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and myopia. During the procedure, your eye doctor will use a laser to change the cornea’s shape without affecting the adjacent cell layers. One benefit of getting it done is that you may not need to wear eyeglasses anymore.

Here’s what you can expect after getting laser eye surgery.
Within Six Hours After the Surgery
During the first six hours after your surgery, you should avoid opening your eyes as well as bright lights. You may experience some discomfort during this period, and your doctor may prescribe pain medications. They may also recommend eye drops to keep your eyes lubricated and prevent infection.
24 Hours Post-Surgery
You should not strain your eyes within the first 24 hours after laser eye surgery. Your optometrist or eye doctor may have mentioned avoiding exposure to digital screens, reading, and watching television after the procedure. Use the eye shield they provided for at least a night to avoid accidentally rubbing or bumping your eyes.
While you can take a shower the day after your laser eye surgery, you should not allow soap or other bathing products to get into your eyes. Once your vision clears up, it should be safe for you to drive. Expect a follow-up appointment with your eye doctor so they can assess how well your eyes are healing.
One to Two Weeks After the Surgery
You can go back to exercising a week or two after your laser eye surgery. However, it’s still advisable to avoid contact sports for at least one month. Avoid wearing makeup and other products on your eyes during this period, and be sure to wear UV-blocking sunglasses when heading outside.
A Month After the Surgery
It should be safe to perform sports and other strenuous activities one month after laser eye surgery. Still consider getting sports goggles as your eyes are still healing during this time.
Three to Six Months Post-Surgery
Your eyes will continue to heal, and your vision will improve as well within six months post laser eye surgery. However, severe myopia and other significant refractive errors may take longer to heal. It is because surgeries for them tend to be more invasive.
Need to get a LASIK evaluation? At Eyes on Norbeck, our eye doctors can assess your eyes and suggest ways for improving your vision. We can also assist with your comprehensive or computer vision eye exam. Give us a call at (301) 238-7199 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve clients in Rockville, MD, and nearby communities.