In today’s digital world, screens are a big part of daily life, and concerns about computer vision syndrome (CVS) are growing. Also known as digital eye strain, CVS refers to eye and vision problems caused by prolonged use of computers, tablets, e-readers, and smartphones. Fortunately, with the right advice from an experienced optometrist, CVS can be managed or greatly improved.

Keep reading as Eyes on Norbeck shares key information about CVS and how to address it.
Understanding Computer Vision Syndrome
CVS encompasses a variety of eye strain and pain experienced by individuals after using a digital screen for extended periods. Symptoms may include dryness, blurred vision, headache, and neck or shoulder pain. The rise in digital device use in both personal and professional life has led to an increase in these symptoms.
One primary factor contributing to the strain is the effort our eyes exert to focus on the pixelated images that form the text and graphics on a screen. Unlike the solid black characters on a white background found in printed material, digital screens add elements of backlighting, pixelation, and flicker, which require our eyes to focus and refocus constantly to interpret content.
Tips for Combatting Digital Eye Strain
Adjust Your Workstation
If you are spending significant time in front of screens, adjusting the workstation is critical. The monitor should be positioned about an arm’s length away and the top of the screen slightly below eye level. Reducing glare with an anti-glare screen or by adjusting lighting can also help minimize eye strain.
Follow the 20-20-20 Rule
Taking regular breaks is essential to alleviate eye fatigue. The 20-20-20 rule offers a simple break strategy: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This frequent shift in focus allows the eyes to relax and can significantly reduce the risk of CVS.
Consider Computer Glasses
For individuals experiencing CVS, special eyewear designed for computer use can be beneficial. Computer eyeglasses are designed to suit the visual demands of the digital age. They optimize vision for the distance to a computer screen, which is usually farther than reading distance but closer than distance vision.
Practice Good Eye Care Habits
Maintaining regular eye care habits is crucial for preventing and treating CVS. This includes blinking often to maintain moisture on the eye’s surface and ensuring that any existing vision problems are adequately corrected with up-to-date prescriptions.
Professional Eye Care
Are you experiencing persistent symptoms of CVS? Consult a local optometry professional like Eyes On Norbeck right away. Professional eye care providers can conduct a comprehensive eye exam to rule out other causes of eye strain and recommend treatments tailored to your specific needs. These may include prescription eyewear, vision therapy, or adjustments to your digital device use.
While the digital age brings with it the challenge of CVS, the good news is that with awareness, preventive measures, and the right professional advice, it is possible to correct or significantly alleviate these symptoms.
Let’s Discuss Your Eye Health Concerns
Look no further than Eyes on Norbeck for top-quality eye care services to help manage CVS. Whether you need advice on better screen habits or professional eye care, we’ll guide you in improving your eye comfort and health. Call us at (301) 238-7199 or use our contact form for professional assistance. We are dedicated to meeting the eye care needs of clients in Potomac, MD.